Welcome to Spinwheel!

We are your partner for embedded debt solutions!

To simplify your experience and integration, we have created a number of guides and recipes for key use cases, and are continually adding to our developer portal with new features and capabilities.

To start off, there are a couple of key sections to highlight around the Spinwheel platform.

Retrieve Your API Keys

Accessing the Spinwheel platform requires a developer account with credentials. To get your Spinwheel secret key:

  1. Navigate to https://developer.spinwheel.io
  2. Sign up either SSO or a magic link to your email. Note: Please remember which method you used because if you use the other method when you return it will create a new account.
  3. At the bottom of the key management section under the heading Sandbox API Keys you will find your new secret key, which can be used to access all Spinwheel sandbox services.


Production Access

If you are ready to proceed with a production integration, please contact the Spinwheel representative you have been working with.


All of our endpoints and functionality are accessible via Sandbox, and align to our Production functionality.

The following endpoints are the base URLs for your use with the APIs:

Secure Endpoints

There are specific functionalities that require an additional layer of security. For those use cases the following URLs are required to be used. These will be called out in the documentation if necessary, but they are listed here for your convenience:

Connecting a User

Once you have retrieved your secret key, you can now connect a user. User connections can be made either by API or by serving your user our Connect drop in modules.

Connecting by API

The instructions for connecting a user by API are located here.

Connecting by Drop in Module

The instructions for connecting a user with our pre-built module are located here.

Getting a User's Liabilities

Once a user has been successfully connected, their liability and profile information can be retrieved here.

Refreshing a Credit Card Balance

Connected users also have the ability to retrieve real time credit card balances here.


Important Note

Once a user is connected via a Spinwheel connect module, the userId is the unique user based key for accessing most of our APIs and Drop-in Modules.


Our guides make use of some terminology that you may be unfamiliar with. We suggest taking a look at our glossary before getting started!

To learn more about our debt APIs and 1-click solutions, visit spinwheel.io.